www.cqn.com.cn:2021-1-2 · (N-P-K 19-7-19)、50 千克 佛山市三水区四季丰复合有机肥公司 精制有机肥 有机质≥45%、40kg ... VP#SY012、120/60 童服/ 男短袖上衣 2612、160/94 佛山市西众 ...
Help Request Portal
The Help Request Portal is a central hub where users can view a catalog of Penn State IT services, request services, report issues, and submit tickets to get help.
Visit the Help Request Portal to get started.
The IT Service Desk provides troubleshooting and help with such services as Penn State Access Accounts, Canvas, and more to Penn State students, faculty, and staff members.
University Park Hours and Locations:
W130 Pattee Library Knowledge Commons
Fall and Spring Hours
只需这样做,就没人能追踪到你的通信了 - huanqiu.com:2021-11-4 · 如果用移动VPN,当别人截获你的通信数据时,那他也只能追踪到VPN服务器的所在地,而无法追踪到你使用街区咖啡店或者图书馆无线网时的实际IP地址。
Saturday, and Sunday: 10:00 a.m.–10:00 p.m
204 Wagner Building
Monday–Friday: 8:00 a.m.–10:00 p.m.
Additional Service Desk Locations
While the IT Service Desk serves all locations, many of the colleges and campuses offer support for local users. The following are IT service desk locations and resources across Penn State campuses.
Phone: (215) 881-7675
手机看youtube abit@psu.edu
Locations: Lares, Rydal, Sutherland, and Woodland buildings
工信部回应“禁用VPN”:清理对象是无资质者_央广网:2021-7-25 · 工信部回应“禁用VPN”:清理对象是无资质者 在国务院新闻办今日举行的发布会上,有记者问及“有地方出台规定,对违法违规利用VPN上网加强管理”一事,工信部信息通信发展司司长闻库表示,不了 …
手机看youtube (814) 949-5356
Email: AltoonaIT@psu.edu
Location: 234 Hawthorn Building
Chat: Start Online Chat with Altoona IT Service Desk.
Live chat is available 24-7, except during campus closures and holidays, for authenticated students, faculty, and staff.
Phone: (724) 773-3566
Email: beaverIT@psu.edu
Phone: (610) 396-6195
Email: bk-helpdesk@psu.edu
Phone: (610) 892-1297
Email: bw-its@psu.edu
Location: Vairo Library, 128 Office Suite
Phone: (717) 240-5008
Email: 能用的vp n
求一个免费能用的vp Suite 010
Phone: (814) 375-4858
Email: DuBoisIT@psu.edu
Location: Swift Building, Room 248
Submit a service ticket to the DuBois Serivce Desk
Phone: (814) 217-HELP (4357)
财猪金融大咖谈:伙伴汽车蒋轩 做汽车产业链上的金融伙伴:2021-5-12 · “众前不管是做VP还是COO,潜意识里还是觉得天塌下来还有CEO撑着。 ”蒋轩笑言,现在自己是公司的CEO,除了把事情做好之外,还要对团队对兄弟伔 ...
Phone: (724) 430-4163
能用的vp n fenso@psu.edu
Location: Eberly Building, Room 107
Phone: (610) 648-3230
Email: gvhelpdesk@psu.edu
Location: Main Building, ground floor
Phone: (412) 675-9498
Email: ga-helpdesk@psu.edu
Location: Crawford Building, lower level
能用的vp n(717) 948-6188
求一个免费能用的vp Olmsted Building, E302
Submit a service ticket to the Harrisburg Service Desk
Phone: (570) 450-3456
Location: Butler, Room 116
Submit a service ticket to the Hazleton Service Desk
Phone: (610) 285-5295
Email: lv-helpdesk@psu.edu
Phone: (833) 577-HELP (4357)
Email: help@pennstatehealth.psu.edu
Submit a service ticket
Phone: (717) 749-6300
能用的v*p*n helpdesk@ma.psu.edu
Phone: (724) 334-6081
求一个免费能用的vp 044 Blissell Library and Computer Center Building
Submit a service ticket to the New Kensington Service Desk.
Phone: (570) 320-7329
手机看youtube 求一个免费能用的vp Locations: Student and Administrative Services Center, Room 2072
Submit a service ticket to the Student Service Desk
Submit a service ticket to the Employee Service Desk
Phone: (570) 385-6212
Email: slhelpdesk@psu.edu
能用的v*p*n Classroom Building, bottom floor
Phone: (724) 983-2932
Email: shenangoIT@psu.edu
Location: Sharon Hall, Room 202
Submit a service ticket to the Shenango Service Desk
Phone: (814) 865-HELP (4357)
能用的vp n ITservicedesk@psu.edu
Submit a service ticket to the University Park Service Desk
手机看youtube (570) 675-9140
现在能用的vp wbitsupport@psu.edu
Location: Bell Center for Technology, Room 108
Submit a service ticket to the Wilkes-Barre Service Desk
Phone: (570) 963-2551
能用的vp n wsitsupport@psu.edu
Location: Dawson, Room 116
云端智度CEO周强:市场需要什么样的CDN服务?-焦点 ...:2021-8-14 · 齐鲁晚报08月14日讯: 近期,已经呈现红海竞争的CDN行业变局再生,作为融合CDN第一品牌,云端智度从幕后走向台前,引起了行业相关人士的重点关注。 市场对于智能融合CDN热情高涨,这一点从云端智度第一篇推文的效果就可众看出: 热度 ...
Phone: (717) 771-4080
Location: Grumbacher, Room 106
Submit a service ticket to the York Service Desk
Phone: 1-814-865-0047
Chat with a technology expert.
Submit an email form to the World Campus Service Desk
For 24-7 support contact:
Chat: 工信部:给创联VPN颁发首批业务销售许可证为虚假 ...-华龙网:2021-7-8 · 据中国之声《全国新闻联播》报道,工信部辟谣“给创联VPN颁发首批业务销售许可证”为虚假消息,报道所涉公司未获得工信部或各通信管理局颁发 ...
Live chat is available 24-7, except during campus closures and holidays, for authenticated students, faculty, and staff.
Phone: (814) 865-HELP (4357)
能用的vp n
The IT Public Knowledge Base consists of how-tos, step-by-step instructions, general information, and frequently asked questions about many technology services.
Visit the Public Knowledge Base to learn more.
IT Learning and Development
IT Learning and Development (ITLD) provides free, online, live, and self-paced training resources for Penn State students, faculty, and staff members.
Visit the ITLD website for more information.
Tech Tutors
Tech Tutors are available for personalized training on such software titles as Adobe, Microsoft, Sites at Penn State, WikiSpaces, and more. Tech Tutors are available in person or online via chat and screen sharing.
Visit the Tech Tutors website to learn more.